Monday, September 30, 2019

The Relationship Among Working Memory

The general focus of this research is to examine performance in standard cognitive frameworks and online tasks. The researchers hope to examine the influence that math anxiety exerts on mathematical cognition and to identify the processing components that are so influenced. HYPOTHESIS: The higher the math anxiety, the lower the working memory capacity, the higher the probability to get a low performance. VARIABLES: IV – math anxietyDV –working memory capacity, performance The independent variable math anxiety is manipulated into three levels: high, medium, low. The level of anxiety is determined through the use of sMARS (short math anxiety rating scale) is a 25-item version of the most widely used measure of this construct, 98 item MARS. The sMARS assesses an individual’s level of apprehension and anxiety about math on a 1-5 Likert scale, asking for participants’ responses about how anxious they would be made by various settings and experiences. The depend ent variables —– working memory capacity and performance.Salthouse and Bobcock’s listening span (L-span) and computation span (C-span) tasks assessed participants’ working memory capacity by requiring them to store increasing numbers of words or digits in working memory while processing simple verbal or arithmetic tasks. In L-span task, participants hear a number of simple sentences, one by one, and must answer a simple question about current sentence before hearing the next. In C-span test, simple arithmetic problems replace the sentences then the participants give the answer to each problem, one by one, and must recall the last number in each of the several problems within that, in order.In experiment 2, participants see the problem and are timed as they produce its answer verbally. In experiment 3, participants were given the L-span and C-span plus they were given a letter transformation task to test working memory capacity and processes. In the perfor mance, examines through the results of the intensive working memory tasks. PROCEDURE: Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 CONCLUSION: The researchers concluded with two more general remarks. First, math anxiety is not epiphenomenon — it is not a cognitive appraisal about oneself that is unrelated to the nature of mental processing.For example, statistics students who do poorly on an exam claim that they become confused, are unable to focus on the task at hand, or keep thinking about how poor they are at math. Regardless of the subjectivity of these claims, they are entirely consistent with the researchers’ main result: Math anxiety disrupts the on-going, task-relevant activities of working memory, slowing down performance and degrading its accuracy. Second, the researchers note the positive effects of following advice with which this article began: that effect is an aspect of problem solving that deserves empirical attention.Cognitive investigations that include ind ividual difference characteristics like math anxiety are rare, yet may prove useful in gaining an understanding of domain-specific cognitions. Furthermore, it now appears that customary assessments of working memory span, especially those using arithmetic stimuli, are sensitive to at least two classes of influences: the central capacity and processing characteristics of the individual, to be sure, but also the transitory effects of anxiety in the testing situation.Given current and important efforts that relate working memory mechanisms to processes such as reading comprehension, memory retrieval, and the like, it would be sensible to consider the possibility that anxiety or other individual difference factors may be influencing both the assessments of individuals’ working memory span and their on-line performance. * The subjects were assigned to the treatment are mixed —- in experiment 1 the lower level undergraduate sychology classes were recruited and they are to re ceive a credit for participating, in experiment 2 they have some subject from experiment 1 and the additional subjects volunteered their participation in return for extra credit, while in experiment 3 did again get additional subjects which also undergraduate psychology graduates . * The researchers used ANOVA — column 3 of table 2 (page 228) presents the correlation between sMARS and the remaining variables, using math anxiety group (low, medium, high) as a between-subjects variable.They also used ANOVA two-way to see if the decline in capacity differed as a function of type of span task. * The objective of the study was realized for they have gathered two general remarks form their experiments and they have explained well the conclusions they have made regarding the relationship among working memory, math anxiety and performance.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Information Businness Essay

1. What management, organization, and technology factors were behind the Cincinnati Zoo losing opportunities to increase revenue Three main reasons why investments in information technology do not always produce positive results – Information quality which mean High-quality decisions require high-quality information – Management filters which mean Managers have selective attention and have variety of biases that reject information that does not conform to prior conceptions – Organizational inertia and politics which meStrong forces within organizations resist making decisions calling for major change 2. Why was replacing legacy point-of-sale systems and implementing a data warehouse essential to an information system solution? High-velocity automated decision making Made possible through computer algorithms precisely defining steps for a highly structured decision Humans taken out of decision For example: High-speed computer trading programs i. Trades executed in 30 milliseconds ii. Responsible for â€Å"Flash Crash† of 2010 Require safeguards to ensure proper operation and regulation 3. How did the Cincinnati Zoo benefit from business intelligence? How did it enhance operational performance and decision making? What role was played by predictive analytics? Business intelligence Infrastructure for collecting, storing, analyzing data produced by business Databases, data warehouses, data marts High-velocity automated decision making Made possible through computer algorithms precisely defining steps for a highly structured decision Information systems can only assist in some of the roles played by managers 4. Visit the IBM Cognos Web site and describe the business intelligence tools that would be the most useful for the Cincinnati Zoo. introduces the concept of business intelligence and analytics. The text gives the example of Hallmark Cards, which uses SAS analytics software to analyze buying patterns and determine the most effective marketing plan for different types of customers. For example, which customers would respond best to direct mail or e-mail, and to what types of messages. It is important to understand that business intelligence and business analytics are products defined by hardware and software vendors. This is also one of the fastest growing segments in the U.S. software

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Entrpreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Entrpreneurship - Essay Example On the other hand, sustainable entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs or firms that work in a sustainable manner and contribute to the creation of sustainable development (Weidinger et al., 2013). Sustainable development has grown significantly for the past few decades; people and corporate have come to realizes that is easy to do business sustainably. They noted that doing businesses is quite easy at the same time trying to solve issues facing the society. According to the view of sustainable entrepreneurs, challenges can be easily solved and at the same time create business strategies that have more value to the society and economy. Current society is characterized by high level of environmental destruction, climate change, and ozone depletion; such practices pose a great danger to us and the needs of futures generations. However, with sustainable entrepreneurship, environment will be safe, destruction of forest will reduce, and improvement of agricultural practices will increase. In addition, sustainable entrepreneurship is a vital opportunity to developing countries. It improves and increase access to education, creates more job opportunities, increase productivity, physical health and economy (Rendtorff, 2009). Additionally, motivations to sustainable entrepreneurship are changes in environmental businesses, in this sense, the change in demand and supply. Such change motivates an entrepreneur to stand tall and focus of sustainable entrepreneurship. A change is an opportunity; an opportunity in this perspective is availability of raw materials to start a business. It is an ethical responsibility of business firms to be more concern about sustainability; at the same time it is also legal for business to be a concern. Currently, businesses are no longer viewed by the capability to avail goods and services but, the way the avail such commodities and impacts on the society. The main aspects which businesses are more concern with are; environmental,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Current Issue Barclays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current Issue Barclays - Essay Example company has more than 50 branches in different countries of the world including Africa, Asia, and Europe, North America and South America and almost 48 million customers. Barclays is renowned as universal bank and is organized as Corporate and investment banking and wealth management, and Retail and Business Banking. The corporate and Investment banking and wealth management cluster consists of three business units: Barclays Corporate (Commercial Banking), Barclays Investment bank and Barclays Wealth (Wealth Management). The retail and Business Banking cluster comprises four business units: Barclaycard (credit card and loan provision), Barclays Africa, UK Retail Banking and Western Europe Retail Banking. Barclays is the fourth largest bank in UK. Its main competitions are HSBC, RBS and Natwest. The current issues faced by Barclays are competitive market environment, segmentation issue and communication models. Here we will just discuss competition between Barclays and HSBC. HSBC is a London based banking and financial service providing organization. HSBC is not indebted to the British Government. But Barclays has resorted to borrowing. During the year of 2010 HSBC earned a total interest income of 80 billion dollars and a net profit of 14.2 billion dollars ( There is tough competition between Barclays and HSBC. Since these are the two leading banks in UK so they are trying to achieve the biggest share in the market. Barclays reduce their rates on its Woolwich branded tracker mortgage to attract customers but HSBC in turn decrease to 1.99% discount on products. Both banks are taking further steps and bringing competitive products in the market which resulted in decline in market prices. Barclays has decreased its mortgage rate on its tracker mortgage by 0.45% and HSBC in return launched its amended rates by reviewing (Johnston, Mark 2010). Barclays has now launched new Premier Life Banking Program revive lending and compete for new customers.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Stanley Cavell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stanley Cavell - Essay Example One of the most significant elements of Cavell's analysis is his effort to question the nature of knowledge in the light of how knowledge could provide a rational basis for morality. In part III, chapter IX, Cavell declares: Dialectically, this problem [the problem of morality] is reflected in a fact about "moral arguments" -- the "methods" (to use Sidgwick's term) by which we undertake to arrive at a knowledge, or "rational conviction", as to what ought to be done -- which has insistently and constantly occupied the attention of moral philosophers, viz., that such arguments are always, and dishearteningly, liable to break down, or end in stalemate, and the question which prompted the argument either left without answer or with incompatible answers which any further argument would seem helpless to resolve (247). This seems to suggest that Cavell views the acquisition of knowledge and the debate about moral reasoning to exclusively belong to the concerns of philosophers. Cavell thus, in a Wittgensteinian fashion, seems to be despairing of the hopes for settling moral arguments. But, upon closer examination, Cavell is offering quite an insightful method for resolving moral disputes. Herein, Cavell’s resolution rests on seeing that some moral disputes will never arrive at a point of mutual agreement, and so individuals would have to â€Å"agree to disagree† amicably. Also, he stresses the importance of a resolution wherein both individuals come to understand the other individual’s point of view, despite their unending moral disagreements. It is in this regard that Cavell advocates the idea of moral perfectionism, and the idea of democracy from within. For, self-knowledge is, for Cavell, fundamental for moral discourse. It is important to note that Cavell, quite consciously, echoes Greek dramatists and culture in his ethical analysis. It seems, then, that Cavell, in referring to both knowledge and morality, is referring to three main figures in ancient philosophy: Socrates himself, Plato and Aristotle. These ethical schools of thought viewed knowledge and morality as intimately connected. Plato, for instance, advocates that the road towards the true life of the spirit is a path of purification where man exerts effort to reach genuine wisdom. The soul is purified as it reaches ever-higher degrees of knowledge; it is healed of its sensible affections and made virtuous. In essence, morality, like any other element of human life and knowledge, is a skill and a body of knowledge. What prevents people from being noble, in Plato's view (expressed by Socrates in the traditional Platonic view), is a lack of knowledge. When people are fully and deeply aware of why it is good to be good, why just behavior is appropriate, they will behave appropriately. Part of this is enlightened self-interest: Both Plato and Aristotle were eudaemonic philosophers, who believed that morality's goal was to create and promote a eudaemonia, narrowly de fined as â€Å"well-being† or â€Å"happiness† but meaning much more broadly a good and overarching spirit of things. Plato and Aristotle's idea of the eudaemonia varied, of course, but both shared the belief that once ethical issues were fully understood, people would realize that it would be against their own enlightened self-

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Four Intentional Torts Negilence and Liability Essay

Four Intentional Torts Negilence and Liability - Essay Example However, he did not know that her friend had developed diabetes and severe high blood pressure. After he obtained Juliet’s residential address from his friend, John bought a big tiger doll for her present. When he arrived at Juliet’s house, he placed the big doll at the doorstep. He rang the bell and hid behind the door. When Juliet opened the door, she was frightened to see the big tiger doll placed at the door step. To her, the doll appeared to be a real tiger. Consequently, she collapsed and fell on the floor. John was shocked and resorted to call for an ambulance and Juliet’s brother. Juliet’s brother was so mad with John for his action. After Juliet woke from the comma, she decided to sue John for causing heart attack, which had been confirmed by the doctor. This is negligence because although John caused harm to Juliet by placing the big tiger doll at her door step and hid behind the door, his intentions were not to harm her (Statsky, 2012). Besides, she was her friend and just wanted to surprise her. In fact, the doll was Juliet’s present. Nevertheless, after Juliet condition was stable, his brother confronted John and accused him of causing harm to his sister. However, John apologized, but Juliet’s brother continued to throw words to John. In the process, John was agitated. He rushed into his car that was parked outside Juliet’s house and drew a gun from the back seat. He came out with a gun freely held in his hand and threatened Juliet’s brother that he would shoot him if he did not keep quiet. Nevertheless, Juliet’s brother dared him to shoot and that he would face the consequences. John shouted loud† Keep quiet or I should you†. Instead, Juliet’ brother was adamant and told John that he could not intimidate him with a â€Å"toy gun†. At this time, John raised the gun and pointed it at Juliet’s brother. Juliet’s brother realised that John was serious and that he would really shoot him. He even started pleading with him not to shoot. Out of anger, John pulled the trigger and Juliet’s brother was shot at the hand. This constitutes to an assault because in the first incident, John threatened to shoot him. Secondly, Juliet’s brother got scared when John pointed the gun at him, and thirdly because actually John shot him (Statsky, 2012). Due to the gun shot, neighbors came to witness the commotion. At this time, Juliet came out of the house only to find her brother lying on the ground in pool of blood. John apologized to her saying that he did not intend to shot him. Without listening to him, hurriedly, Juliet asked a neighbor, Mr. Chris, who had come to see what was going on, to help her take her brother into the car so that she could take him to the hospital. After they put her brother in the back seat of the car, Juliet started the car and drove at a very high speed. Mr. Chris, who by then had just stood behind the c ar, was covered by a huge crowd of dust as a result of dust brown by the speeding car. Unfortunately, Chris was filled with dust in his eyes and as a consequence fell on the ground. He was in pain and shouted loudly for help. Nevertheless, the car had already left and Juliet did not hear anything not even from the other neighbors that saw Chris being brown by the dust. At this time, John was still standing in with his gun still held loose in his hand. He was dumbfounded. However, when he saw what had befallen Chris, he called for an

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analysis of the case of Repulse Travel Pharmaceuticals Coursework

Analysis of the case of Repulse Travel Pharmaceuticals - Coursework Example g title, table of contents, list of tables and figures, bibliography and appendices 16 Bibliography 17 Brigham E F & Ehrhardt, M C 2011 Financial Management Theory and Practice. South-western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH 17 List of tables and figures Table 1 Summary of profit changes vs demand changes 12 Table 2 Summary of profit changes vs price changes 14 Table 3 Profit and loss study under condition of certainty 18 Table 4 Payback period under condition of certainty 18 Table 5 NPV and PI under condition of certainty 18 Table 6 NPV and PI under condition of certainty (Capex & R&D) 18 Table 7 Profit and loss study 1% drop in demand 19 Table 8 Profit and loss study 1% rise in demand 19 Table 9 Payback period 1% drop in demand 19 Table 10 NPV and PI with 1% drop in demand 19 Table 11 NPV and PI with 1% drop in demand (Capex + R&D) 19 Table 12 Profit and loss study 5% drop in demand 20 Table 13 Profit and loss study 5% rise in demand 20 Table 14 Payback period with 5% drop in demand 20 Table 15 NPV and PI with 5% drop in demand 20 Table 16 NPV and PI with 5% drop in demand (Capex + R&D) 20 Table 17 Profit and loss study 1% drop in price 21 Table 18 Profit and loss study 1% rise in price 21 Table 19 Payback period with 1% drop in price 21 Table 20 NPV and PI with 1% drop in price 21 Table 21 NPV and PI with 1% drop in price (Capex + R&D) 21 Table 22 Profit and loss study 5% drop in price 22 Table 23 Profit and loss study 5% rise in price 22 Table 24 Payback period with 5% drop in price 22 Table 25 NPV and PI with 5% drop in price 22 Table 26 NPV and PI with 5% drop in price (Capex + R&D) 22 Figure 1 Graph of profit change vs demand change 13 Figure 2 Graph of profit change vs price change 14 1.0 Introduction This report is in compliance with the coursework case, the topic... Repulse is not certain whether Citronex should be introduced into the market, because the management fears that the financial risks of doing so are substantial. Managers who are convinced that it should cites the potential profits and cash flows the product could bring. In analysing the merits of either side, it is determined that if the product performs as forecasted, Citronex will be profitable; however, it is also risky in that if the demand and price are lower than forecasted by even a small degree, the financial losses are magnified and may be substantial. Repulse Travel Pharmaceuticals, a UK based medium sized firm, is presently deliberating on whether or not it shall launch a new spray product â€Å"Citronex,† which has an estimated five year commercial life. The firm has spent  £150,000 on product and market research on Citronex. The aim of this report is to provide an analysis by which management may decide whether or not the manufacture and sale of Citronex should be undertaken. The report intends to accomplish this task by conducting an estimation, based on forecasted demand and selling price, of the profit and cash flows the company is likely to realize. Its objectives, therefore, include: 1.2.1 an estimation of profit and loss as well as cash flows based on the given information under conditions of certainty on the forecasted demand and selling price 1.2.2 an estimation of profit and loss as well as cash flows based on the given information under the likely conditions that the demand may rise or fall

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Increased Need for Digital Forensics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Increased Need for Digital Forensics - Essay Example es, especially cyber crime, there has been a heightened demand for digital forensic professionals to support law enforcement and judicial systems at all levels in order to prosecute these crimes successfully. Digital forensics, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is a specialized private detective who examines various items of technology in the pursuit of locating evidence related to a criminal act (Tucker, 9). Digital forensics are also utilized in the business world as a means to provide solutions to certain business issues, however digital forensics for business is far less prevalent than in criminal analysis. Digital forensics requires the technician to examine devices such as the PDA, laptop or cellular phone in the pursuit of various digital clues which lead to either support or refute claims of suspected criminal activity. A digital forensic scientist, searching the digital contents of a computer printer, would look for potential evidence such as time and date stamps, images still retrievable on the printer’s paper roller, or even the specific network identity of the printer if it was, indeed, attached to an online network (Ashcroft, 18). If the owner of this hypot hetical printer was alleged to have been involved in a child pornography ring, as one example, residual ink images left on the roller or various computer files buried in the printer’s hard disk might indicate whether a given alibi is valid or whether the individual has actually been distributing sexually explicit, youth materials. The personal computer and the laptop provide a myriad of potential forensic evidence in the event that a crime has been perpetrated. In this situation, forensic experts examine personal email, image/graphics files, calendars, address books and document files (Ashcroft, 10) as a means to find out whether the individual (or group) can be linked to the criminal behavior. Computer-created files, such as cookies, back-up files, temporary files and hidden files

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tess of the Duber’villes Essay Example for Free

Tess of the Duber’villes Essay Tess of the Duber’villes is a novel written by Thomas Hardy. The main contrast between the character of Angel and Alec is that in the novel the character of Angel is presented as a protagonist while the character of Alec is shown as an antagonist. Both the characters have many contrasting features and different personalities. The difference of the personalities is visible from the appearance as well. hen Thomas hardy gives an account of physical appearance of Alec he is shown as a man with swarthy complexion, full lips, curled moustaches and a look of barbarism in his contours while Angel is shown as a man who seems like a gentleman, handsome and soft spoken, fixed abstracted eyes, from his appearance he is shown as a man who has no care for material wealth. Besides the appearance Alec is a man with no morals or values which is apparent from the fact that he was impersonating, he wasn’t a d’Urbervilles by blood he had taken up Tess’s family name for the reason of nobility. In contrast to this Angel was a true gentleman he belonged to religious family his father was a parson at a church and they were respectable people. The obsessions of both the men for Tess was also very contrasting the emotions of Alec were based on lust while Angel truly loved Tess. Alec was the reason of Tess’s misery and despair he was the responsible for all her problems and sorrows while Angel was the sole reason of joy and happiness in her life, his mere presence was enough to comfort her and provide her a sense of security. Another star contrast between the two characters is Alec was the reason of Tess’s exploitation and depriving her off social status and respect while Angel married her and gave her respect and social status. Angel was a man of principles and kept his words while Alec was a man who like a rolling stone kept changing his position and his views which was evident in the novel when we see him as a convert preaching people and soon after finding Tess he gets off track and leaves all the preaching and all his religious claims. The behavior and treatment of both the men with Tess is also very contrasting Angel treats and talks to Tess with an element of love by calling her Tessy and dearest and shows concern, while Alec is often found taunting her and troubling her by flirting.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Imperialism Within the Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free

Imperialism Within the Heart of Darkness Essay A phenomenon, The Heart of Darkness, is a classic novel by Joseph Conrad, who reward individuals with their dark nature. The darkness that the characters face within themselves is the anchor towards the main theme of imperialism. Native Africans, around the early 1900s, were victims of imperialism in the novel. The Europeans saw themselves as prodigies and felt everyone redundant wanted to be like them for they perceived themselves as extraordinary. The Europeans thought so highly of themselves that they wanted to civilize what they perceived the Native Africans to be—savages. Ironically, the process of civilization became imperialism, and the Europeans were the definition of savage while the Native Africans perceived themselves as civilized. Conrad strategically evolved this theme with the narrative of his novel and the various tones and symbols he used revolving around imperialism. These literary strategies and devices led readers to understand the secret of the darkness in the European heart, which was European imperialism. Entering the novel, Conrad has the narrator explain: â€Å"It was difficult to realize that his (the Director of Companies) work was not out there in the luminous estuary, but behind him within the brooding gloom† (Conrad 1). Here, Conrad’s use of pathetic fallacy forewarns his audience from the very beginning that the European companies are working in an unlawful matter ( The Europeans are vague, and the fact they are working within the dark makes them more malicious. This behaviour leads to having an imperialistic nature because in order to have the desire to take over a race, in this case the Native Africans, one needs to already be in tuned with their dark nature. Conrad includes a second narrator, the protagonist to The Heart of Darkness, who makes a remark to the beautiful sunset over the Thames river in London saying: â€Å"‘And this also,’ said Marlow suddenly, ‘has been one of the dark places of the earth’† (1). For Marlow to reveal a beautiful image of England as being â€Å"one of the dark places of the earth† (1), tells individuals that the Europeans are morally corrupt ( For the Europeans to do the morally bankrupt task of ‘civilizing’ the Native Africans, whom they acclaimed them to be the morally corrupt, only infers that the Europeans committed an offence to be proven guilty of the false accusation. The offence being imperialism; to be remarked as morally corrupt suggests that they encountered savage-like behaviours against the Native Africans. Therefore, through the narrative at the very beginning of the novel, one can infer that imperialism evolves as the Europeans are justified to have the dark nature to civilize a nation. Conrad sets the tone by casting a â€Å"mournful gloom† (Conrad 1) atop London. â€Å"The air was dark above Gravesend and farther back still seems condensed into a mournful gloom†¦over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth† (1). This infers that darkness is bestowed on the purity of the â€Å"greatest town on earth† (1). Conrad decides to incorporate a mood-shifter to infer that the Europeans are victims to a form of darkness and that negative events will follow. Since their goal in the novel is to civilize the Native Africans, it is forewarned that they will try to civilize them with dark power leading to imperialism. Another area where Conrad sets a dark, gloomy mood would be when Marlow talks about humans being drawn to their madness hidden within their darkest self. â€Å"The fascination of the abomination—you know. Imagine the growing regrets, the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate† (1). Marlow’s words bring out the theme of curiosity; the curiosity of what lies within the darkest areas of an individual. This quote states that humans are fascinated with their abomination because they have not yet experienced it; but once they have, they feel powerless and yearn to escape, but the abomination overtakes them. This certain curiosity of evil and darkness is what reigns over Europe. They are so curious of their own darkness that they themselves get lost within it and become the culprits of imperialism. Thus, through the moods and tones Conrad implants at the very beginning of his novel, he brings forth the coming of events which evolve into the realization of imperialism. Conrad uses symbolism in The Heart of Darkness to heighten the approach towards imperialism. For example, the reader’s encounter with the Accountant of the ivory trading Company in the outer region of Africa. Marlow describes him as an elegant dresser: â€Å"†¦I met a white man, in such an unexpected elegance of get-up that in the first moment I took him for a sort of vision† (16). Here, Marlow enters the beginning of his journey to the heart of Africa, and seeing the Accountant dress beautifully makes him seem like some kind of â€Å"miracle† (16) since their setting at the particular moment is in contrast. The Accountant symbolizes the Company and its excellence, professionalism, and perfection. Despite the blazing heat and his surroundings of poverty, he always dresses well. This is the professionalism of the Company. The fact he immerses himself within his accounting books represents the Company’s excellence and perfection. But although he is a man of perfection, the fact that the sight of suffering Native Africans distracts him and causes mistakes in his work, this symbolizes the room for error in the Company. This is an approach towards imperialism because wrong and unjust actions are seen as ‘errors’ in which the Company is a culprit of. Also, the symbolization of flies and its representation of death heighten the approach to imperialism as well. Ever since the devil is nicknamed, the Lord of the Flies, flies have represented death ( Flies are seen in parts one and three when slaves, as well as a man named Kurtz, have their life taken away. Since the flies are associated with the devil, this implies that the devil, or the darkness that overcomes Europeans, have a connection with the deaths of human lives. Therefore, Conrad uses different symbols such as the spotless attire of the Accountant and the devil’s flies to inform readers about the imperialistic actions of Europeans. Joseph Conrad uses narrative schemes, sets moods and tones, as well as involves symbolism to approach his major theme of imperialism. He takes readers to the darkness of the human soul, a space which reigns in every single human being. This allows the individuals to take note that they can be greatly influenced by their darkness: creating the ability to carry out unjust behaviours, such as committing imperialistic actions. Therefore, this novel is a great commentary to human error, such as being past culprits of imperialism, and brings awareness to human morality. Works Cited: â€Å"Heart of Darkness. Shmoop. Shmoop University, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2013. .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Haimon in Antigone

Haimon in Antigone Sophocles Antigone tells a beautiful story of a woman who fights for her brother, Polynices, to be buried after her uncle and King, Creon, has declared that Polynices body will remain unburied for his blasphemy towards the state. For the culture this is dishonorable. Disobeying her uncle, Antigone goes ahead and buries her brother with miserable consequences. As characters are introduced to the plot, their purposes are clear, but one character may stand ambiguous in purpose; Antigones fiancà © Haimon for instance. But Haimon plays a very crucial role within the play, both conveying the true feelings of state and sympathizing with Antigones cause. Haimon as heir to the throne of Thebes remains very close with his father, but as fiancà © to Antigone, Haimon is torn as to advise his father whom he holds high. Therefore Haimons advisement starts timid: I cannot say [father] that you have reasoned badly. Yet there are men who can reason too; and their opinion might be helpful. Haimons clear drive to change his fathers mind is exhibited upon his first entrance in the play. You are not positioned to know everything says Haimon, for his father has stubbornly sentenced Antigone to be stoned to death, but Haimon is stern to tell of the countrys feelings towards the matter. I have heard them muttering and whispering in the dark about [Antigone.] They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous actthis is the way they talk out there in the city. Haimon clearly informs his father of the peoples disapproval of the Kings actions. Haimon serves as the only person to stand up to Creon. Clearly no resolution is brought about after the two have quarreled. But Haimon does in fact have a small effect on Creon, for Antigones sentence is changed for a much less demeaning one. Haimons presence is the only firm stand against Creons through the entire play. And this stand roots guilt within Creon that serves as motivation for the character. The final straw is pulled as the prophet Teiresias comes to Creon announcing his similar distaste, and bears a prophecy of tragedy. Creon is finally swayed to retract his horrible sentence but is too late, Antigone has killed herself, Haimon has killed himself, and Creons wife of the news kills herself. Everyone around Creon who had shared loved for one another have passed. And Haimons purpose is finally clear and digested.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Joseph’s Dialect in Wuthering Heights Essay -- Language Literature

Despite the fact that English is considered one language, there are many regional varieties called dialects spoken all over the world. Although these dialects are mutually intelligible by English speakers, they are quite different. For example, British English is markedly different than American English. British speakers pronounce words differently and use a different vocabulary. Some words and phrases have different meanings in American English versus British English. One example is the word â€Å"bathroom.† If an American were to ask where the bathroom is in a British home, they might be sent to a room with a bath and no toilet, which is probably not what the American wanted. The two dialects may even differ in grammar in some cases. For example, â€Å"gotten† is considered correct in American English, but in British English, â€Å"got† is used. Dialects do not merely differ according to country, however. Within a single country, there may be many dialects. In the United States, one can usually tell if a person is from the South, East, West, or Midwest based on the way that they speak. There are regional dialects within states and even within cities as well. Every dialect has its own phonological and syntactic patterns, as well as some unique vocabulary. Analyzing dialects can be difficult due to the fact that is it hard to transcribe the pronunciation of an individual dialect because English is not spelled the same way it is pronounced. Furthermore, one person’s interpretation of spelling a dialect might not match up with another’s, so the reader might not â€Å"hear† the dialect properly. Regardless, written versions of dialects are essential to discussing dialectical differences. Sometimes when an author wants to emphasize the fact that a c... ...lects. The reason this is possible may go back to the early stages of language acquisition. Although we learn to speak English in one particular way, our brain retains the capability to understand English spoken in hundreds, if not thousands of different ways. Works Cited Class Notes. Dec. 6th, 2010. Clark, Virginia P., Paul A. Eschholz, and Alfred F. Rosa. Language: Introductory Readings. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print. —. Language: Readings in Language and Culture. 6th ed. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print. Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to Language. 8th ed. Boston: Thomson, 2007. Lee, Marnie. "Joseph's Yorkshire Dialect in Wuthering Heights." Associated Content. Yahoo!, 4 May 2010. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. "Understanding Joseph's Speech." The Reader's Guide to Wuthering Heights. Web. 12 Dec. 2010.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pottery in the Contact Zone :: Essays Papers

Pottery in the Contact Zone It is nearly impossible to discuss Native American art without taking into consideration the effect that western culture has had on it. Native American art, in its purest sense, is something that no longer exists. In its place is an amalgamation of an art form that was once completely Native American and the values that western culture has placed on that art form. This cultural phenomenon is what Mary Louise Pratt has termed the â€Å"Contact Zone† which is used to refer to the â€Å"social spaces where cultures meet, clash and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power such as colonialism, slavery or other aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts of the world.† (Pratt 34) What Pratt is referring to is the situation that is created when two completely distinct cultures, that operate on totally different levels, attempt to interact. Each culture brings with them certain values and traditions that the other may not e ntirely understand. This predicament often leads to confusion, misunderstandings or sometimes worse. The meeting of western and Indian cultures created exactly this â€Å"Contact Zone† situation that Pratt defines. The aftermaths of the situation have been both positive and negative and have simultaneously posed a threat to the art form while providing opportunities for the artists. Before contact with the western world, pottery making among the Hopi-Tewa Indians was a communal activity which served to strengthen social relations with tribal members not of the same family. Pottery thus objectified valued social relations where sharing with individuals not of one’s matrilineage was both important and necessary for households to functions. (McChesney, 13) As with most Native American tribes, the Hopi-Tewas strove to maintain a strong social network by dividing up the labor and working together to accomplish it. Immediately the differences can be seen between the social structure of American Indian cultures as compared to that of westerners’ which value individuality over community. With the introduction of the railroad to the areas of northern Arizona where the Hopi-Tewas lived, entered new social challenges that threatened the Native Americans’ lifestyles. In an attempt to operate in an American cash economy, many Native Americans began to make pottery to be sold in trading posts to collectors and tourists.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is Money a Motivator?

There are countless articles circulating today instructing managers on how to motivate their employees. Some theories state that all workers are motivated primarily by the need for money; so if you want to get the most out of your workforce, you pay them more. So, is money a motivator? Motivation is the encouragement to do something. (1) There are short term motivators and there are long term motivators. There are also different levels and sides to motivation. In this article I would like to focus on three theories in particular which discuss motivational needs for an individual and how as a manager you can address them in the work place: The first is Maslow’s need hierarchy which led to McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y and the last theory is Herzberg’s Motivation – Hygiene Theory. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs consists of five levels of needs to be satisfied. This model suggests that as people satisfy needs on one level, they progress to the next level of needs as motivation for their behavior. It is only the unsatisfied needs which can influence behavior, not the satisfied needs. 1) Under Maslow’s Hierarchy money would be recognized within the safety category (or a base need for behavior). When you have money you feel secure, because you have a resource you need to survive. According to Maslow once that need is fulfilled you move to the next level for motivation. (1) In this case money itself is no longer a motivator because that need has been satisfied. As a manager, you can use this knowledge to continue to motivate your employees. If they are already satisfied with money, in that it is no longer a primary need, you should move up the pyramid. Work to build the employee’s confidence, respect them, and give the individual projects that drive him/her to satisfy the higher level needs. Douglas McGregor took the work Maslow did with the hierarchy of needs and grouped it into two theories on how people view human behavior at work and organizational life. McGregor called this Theory X and Theory Y; Theory X is focused on the â€Å"lower order† needs and Theory Y focuses on the â€Å"higher order† needs identified by Maslow. (4) McGregor suggests that management could use either theory to motivate employees but that the better results would stem from meeting the Theory Y needs. Let us take a closer look at two theories and how money fits into the picture. Theory X states that management’s role is to coerce and control employees: †¢ People have inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. †¢ People must be controlled, directed or threatened in order to achieve. †¢ People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility and have little ambition. †¢ People seek security above all else. (2) Theory Y states that management’s role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. Work is natural, like play and rest †¢ People will exercise self direction if they are committed †¢ People learn to accept and seek responsibility †¢ People have potential(2) In Maslow’s hierarchy we identified that money falls under safety, or the need for security. McGregor’s theories show security under the X Theory, that above all security is what peo ple seek. If as a manager you run your organization under Theory X, you would agree that money is a motivator for your employees. You would agree, that in order to get the most out of your workforce you should pay them more. If you manage under Theory Y, money may be a part of your business but is not what drives your employees to achieve. The last theory I would like to look at is Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. This theory focuses on the factors causing job satisfaction and the factors causing job dissatisfaction, and that they are different. Herzberg called the satisfiers motivators and dissatisfiers hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are in a sense maintenance factors that are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction but do not themselves provide satisfaction. 3) These factors should not be treated as opposites of each other. The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather, no satisfaction. Similarly, the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. (4) Motivation factors lead to positive mental health and challenge people to grow, but at the same time do not lead to dissatisfaction. Above is a list of the top 6 motivation factors or factors leading to satisfaction in the w ork place. Look at how the possibility for advancement can challenge you to grow. Before you were a manager you had an opportunity to advance in your career, to become a manager. This information motivated you to work hard and continually grow as an employee; it brought satisfaction to your job. As a manager you want to bring these factors into your workplace in order to bring the most out of your employees. Hygiene factors can lead to job dissatisfaction. When hygiene factors are either not present or not sufficient you feel dissatisfied. (3) However, they in turn do not lead to satisfaction when they are present. For instance an employees work conditions. If you have favorable work conditions it does not motivate you to work harder, it does not bring satisfaction into your job but you are comfortable so there is no dissatisfaction with your position. Look at how money works, if you get a raise for the job you are doing it does not motivate you to work harder. At the same time if you did not get the raise you wanted or needed you become dissatisfied with your position or management. Money or an employee’s salary is a hygiene factor. It is a biological need because you need money for food, water and shelter. Money becomes a drive for all people because of this truth. It will give a short run of motivation because we need it to survive, but only the intrinsic or motivation factors can determine job satisfaction or no satisfaction. If this theory holds true as a manager you need to provide the hygiene factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction, but also must provide the intrinsic factors to the job itself in order to satisfy your employees. Overall, this theory recognizes that true motivation comes from within a person and not from external factors. The external factors will just dissatisfy and discourage your employees if they unfavorable. Is money a motivator? All three theories studied show that money is a biological need; it is something every person needs to sustain modern life. It is at the base of Maslow’s pyramid, it is in McGregor’s Theory X which focuses around Maslow’s base of the pyramid and it is a hygiene factor in Herzberg’s theory. All of these theories show that money is a short term motivator. If you do not have money, which causes you to go hungry, you will be motivated to take any job to fill that basic need. Once that need is met it no longer motivates you to grow in your career, it doesn’t drive you to go above and beyond the bar set for your current position. As a long term motivator money loses its power over time and can not be considered one. Because once the basic needs of an individual are met they move to other factors to motivate themselves: respect, relationships, advancement, satisfaction. I agree with all three of our theorists that money is a necessity and if it is not present people may become dissatisfied with their jobs, but at the same time it will not motivate the individual to take the next steps in their current career. You can not just pay them more in order to get the most out of them. You need to bring other factors to the workplace in order to motivate your employees to give you their all. About the Author: I am a under graduate from Ferris State University, with my degree in Biology Education. I am attending Elmhurst College in pursuit of my Masters in order take my education to the next level, expand my knowledge of business fundamentals, practices and innovations and to build lasting relationships with my peers and professors. I currently work for Menlo Worldwide, a Global Third Party Logistics Provider. I one day hope to be a respected leader within the organization I work for.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Impact of Advertisements on Youth

INTRODUCTION Television and Children: Today, TV is acquiring a strangehold on the lives of the children. The impact of television has been accentuated by the rapid nuclearisation of Indian middle class homes. Children who increasingly come home to empty homes in urban India watch a great deal of television much of it unsupervised. Television is threatening the minds of children and weakening the influence of parents on children. Television the entertainer, is more popular than television the informer and the educator.Children develop basic television literacy by simply watching television; no one needs to be taught to â€Å"read† television’s symbolic code. This audion-visual medium predominates in children’s life very early. Television viewing is often part of their everyday social behavior. It is decreasing community participation. Children made use of whoever was nearby; as joint participants and as a source of information or as live audience to childrenâ€⠄¢s comments. It seems that lack of provision of special activities which children do away from home is one significant factor in the amount of television they watch.Families with more money to spend on recreation and those who live in areas where a range of facilities are available and those who can provide alternatives to television watching are at an advantage. Television is changing what children do with their free time and even the nature of interaction within the home and between the members of their family. Playtime is adjusted to watch television so is sleep and study. Television became the central factor around which children and parents schedule their work time. The maximum re-scheduling is in the case of play.Seventy seven percent of the children interviewed by Sevanti Ninan a media researcher, said they organized their play according to television programmes. Eating did not need much re-scheduling. They ate as they watched. Children are sufficiently addicted to take in t heir favorite programmes. Children constitute the major section of the viewing audience. An interested and willing audience is more receptive to learning than a group of audience who have been forced into attendance. Television for children has become a focal point of their lives.Television is considered a remedy for problematic children. Just as ads bestowed a new kind of power upon child consumers. Television seems to distrupt conventional power dynamics between child and adult. Popular media complained that the television image has usurped the authority previously held by parents and teachers. As numerous youngsters indicated that they often watched programmes which their parents disapproved them to watch. In India most of these fears are compounded by the fact that the children watch mostly film based programmes.If there is one unifying force in Indian, it is the mania for watching movies, irrespective of age, class, language, sex, or background for the vast majority of children , Hindi films and film songs are the first choice and with the kind of satellite boom that India is witnessing today, there is no lack of films on television. In the past, anxieties about parental control had to do with the fact that television was heavily promoted in families with children. During the 1950’s Western countries manufactured and retailers discovered children were a lucrative consumer market for the sale of household commodities.Even at this young age, children can exercise choice. As one of the newest household items television was quickly recognized for its potential appeal to young children. The number of television sets tend to be high in families with children more than childless couples did. Audience research showed that parents believed that television could keep their children of the streets and thus from trouble. IMPACT OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING ON CHILDREN (Between the age groups of 7-14) ‘Yehi hai right choice baby, aha!Sang two young rag-picker s as they wade through a heap of rubbish gathering scraps of metal, paper and old bottles to sell. Hips swinging and voices raised the children seemed to be caught in a spirited bubble which for instance was lifting them above the dirt and filth on which they danced. Pepsi; the advertisement on television rules the minds and imagination of thousands of children regardless of their situation. At the first glance television is colorful. It is vital alive and visually spectacular. Television and advertisements go hand in hand they are an ssential part of today’s broadcasting. Children are becoming part of a universal tribe of human beings for whom television is as real and influential as parents or a school. They are absorbing new ideas and impressions about the world mediated by the television long before they are capable of articulating their own thoughts. Television has ushered in an information revolution. It has revolutionized the concept of leisure in India. Children are l ikely to be most vulnerable population to be influenced by the contents of television transmission.Television acts as a source of information, education, entertainment and consumerism and it is through these functions that it is likely to influence the viewer. Research on television and children have concluded that television has positive and negative consequences on children. On the other hand, TV viewing helps in seeking knowledge about different things and it inhibits child’s imaginative capabilities. Revolution in the Indian advertising scene: 1980’s have turned out to be dynamic decade for Indian advertisers and marketers. The introduction of color television during Asiad in Sept. 982, and later the emergence of serials culminating in perennial favourites like Ramayana and Mahabharata along with the realization by advertisers and marketers to capitalize on this electronic medium with its tremendous visual impact when advertising crossed the Rs. 200 crore mark, in 1988-89 from only Rs. 20 crore. Advertisements directly beamed at children either as consumers or as influencers has now become an important market strategy in India today. Kids are highly skilled, however, at getting their parents to purchase what they can’t buy for themselves.In this sense, they represent considerable buying behavior. Children do not react to advertisements in a vacuum. They’re influenced by what Mummy and Daddy say, what he/she knows about the product from television, friends and other sources. The first marketers to exploit television for their child oriented product was Food Specialities Ltd. , for their Maggie noodles, which was launched in 1983, March. According to a study conducted by the Business World Magazine (Feb. 1986) it became the most successful consumer product.Another kid directed product that met with a success was in the 80’s was Rasna softdrink concentrate made by Pioma Industries Ltd. They blantantly exploited the lovable c hild artistes and the powerful medium of television. Who doesn’t remember, â€Å"I Love You Rasna† lisped by child artist Ankita Jhaveri. Their sales increased from Rs. 80 lakhs in 1982 to 25 crores in 1988. Television became the major advertising medium followed by magazines and newspapers. Biscuits and toys are two major child-oriented products that have undergone a sea change during this decade.The toy market in India is now valued at Rs. 70 crores in this organized sector alone with a growth potential of 20-25%. Not surprisingly, television is the medium of choice for most advertisers targeting the child market. Many even quite young children watch adult programming and are consequently exposed to advertisements normally aimed at adults. When it comes to children’s perceptions of television advertising, it is clear that very young children see television in a conceptual vacuum in which they cannot distinguish one from the other and know that an advertisement is trying to sell them something.They are, however, unlikely to have any useful information base, or concept of price and value, by which they can make valid judgments of the television ads. Selectivity in viewing commercials increases with age. Another reason why television is so important, apart from its window to the world position is that it is the child’s most important sources of information is which allows the use of all the effects that appeal to kids. Children have a very low boredom threshold; a penchant for images and bright colors and an ability to absorb more details than adults in a shorter period of time (Travel weekly 9 Sept. 1991).The boredom threshold of a child is frustrating low; (Marketing week 21 Aug. 1992. ) Marketing consumer products to children; Advertising to children is no plain task. They are unpredictable, difficult to research, though highly conscious of things around them. Marketing communication that is straight, simple, honest and filled wit h fun is most likely to win their confidence as customers. There are various strategies in marketing to children. A direct appeal in which the promotion is directly oriented to kids for products like pencils, chocolates, soft drinks, etc. Another approach is directed to the parents through the child.The child is used as hook to buy the product, for all sort of products including consumer durables like Videocon washing machines. Children have thus become the innocent and hidden persuaders. Babies have been employed with winning effect in ads for ages, by Glaxo, Nestle and Johnson and Johnson. The Murphy Radio baby is still on calendars all over India. Children influence parents to buy products of their choice. Children themselves make purchases of goods and services for their personal use and satisfaction. With the nuclearisation of families, children are coming home to empty homes and end up watching longer hours of television.Parents who find less time to spend with their children feel guilty and adopt a softer attitude towards requests from children ranging from cereals to computers. Mothers perceive that television advertisements influences the children and they estimate the effects of commercials by the frequency with which their children attempt to influence the purchase at home. Parents are now vulnerable to their appeal and positive parental response varies depending up on the nature of appeal used by children. According to a study conducted by D.Stone who was the Marketing Manager of the London College of Printing and distributive trades. The study was titled â€Å"Advertising and Children†. When he asked the parents, How often does your child influence you on deciding on your purchases? The findings were; Food 8. 2%, Children’s Clothes 50%, Furniture 30% Holidays 50%, Parents Clothes 20%. And how do Children Perceive their influence on adults purchases. Do your grown-ups listen to your views when they buy. Drinks 75, Shoes 65%, Clothes 6 5. 6%, Sweets 62. 0%. Holidays 35%, Soaps 33%, Parents clothes 30. 8%. Advertisements in the multi-channel environment.The emergence of the multi-channel environment in 1991 seems to have brought with it at least some modest changes in overall ad scene. Children have more diverse range of products to chose from and are being promoted, especially on the networks channels. Moreover, the amount of advertising varies considerably across channel types. Displacement factors need to be taken into account when assessing the impact of advertising on children. The most important dispositional factor influencing the affects of TV ad is age, first class and third class children are more strongly affected by TV ads than children from fifth grade children.The greatest impact of television advertising on child is felt in their language, according to teachers of Delhi school where the study was conducted by Namita Unnikrishnan. They said that children now speak to one another in a â€Å"lingo† dotted with words, ———————home————————————————– Results: Parental guidance behaviors are generally too â€Å"unfocussed† to produce desired outcomes. Parents reports watching with their children and encouraging them to view appropriate programmes failed to alter children conception and talking to them about TV was effective only when educational shows were shown.Discouragement from watching objectionable shows also made children more critical, but parents own viewing habits were not the model of behavior and attitudes that had been anticipated. The children’s age was found to relate to their TV notions and to how parents guided their viewing but not to the relationships established between guidance and perceptions. Family views: The effect of training parents to mediate their Children’s viewing on children’s comprehension of commercials. Matthews, Denise Ph. D University of Florida 1994.Children form primary and secondary classes were pre-tested for three levels of comprehension of TV advt; ability to discriminate between programme and commercial and understanding the deceptive potential of commercial. Child’s pretest ability varied widely among the three levels of commercial comprehension and ability to discriminate commercials from programme was relatively high and increased only slightly in the post test and pretest level of understanding commercial’s deceptive potential was low and remained low on the post test.However, pretest measures of understanding the intent of commercials were mixed with scores of recognition and low scores on free response items. Significant pretest increased for the experimental group in articulating intent of the commercial. It suggests that parents can be motivated successfully to appreciate their children in understand ing the TV content and that they will be most effective when tapping comprehension within the child’s zone of proximal development. The relationship between TV exposure and physical activity among the 6th grade children. Francis, Lorna Lee, Ph.D University of Orgeon, 1983. Results: indicated that while there was statistically significant correlation between TV viewing time and physical activity, the magnitude of the relationship was insufficient to be of practical significance. There was also no significant relationship between TV viewing time and level of physical fitness. Children’s physical activity and their physical fitness were relatively independent of the TV viewing time. The perceived influence of TV on achievement in children and achievement and adolescents in Thailand. Chompaisal, Swangchit, Ph.D Illinois State University 1994. The research was conducted to study the perceived influence of TV viewing on the school achievement of children and adults in Thaila nd. Study based on a sample of 2520 children and adults from 6 regions of Thailand during second semester of 93-94. Results: Reveal that the children and adults spend an average of 21 hours a week in viewing television. Students who spend fewer hours watching television have higher school achievement. Parents who monitor their child’s television viewing contribute to better school achievement.Factorial analysis shows no statistically significant relationship between motivation of television viewing and the general performance at school. Need for Study Today, television is part of child’s growing environment. It has become a window through which they view the world. Advertisement and TV go hand in hand. TV without advertisement looks an unrealistic proposition. It is no exaggeration to say that TV Programmes are made keeping in view the ad support which can help them to sustain them for a longer period of time.It is no wonder that many a beautiful programmes had to be c ancelled due to lack of sponsors. Every child is a bundle of potentiality. An interested and willing audience is more receptive to learning than a group of viewers who have been forced into audience. Children are considered vulnerable and susceptible to TV influence. TV advertisement are the creation of brilliant minds and wonderfully talented people who have but one mission in life to persuade us to buy and buy. TV advertisements are masterpieces. These dressed messages get carried to adults and the children on the same level.TV Advertisements being brief, repetitive and catchy influences the kids. Advertisements can sometimes be unfair to children since they do not have the skill and the experience to process the advertisement messages in the context of reality and needs. Many of the advertisements aimed at children show that muscle and bluster get you what you want. If you want Babul bubble gun, the quickest way is to brandish a gun. Cartoons and computer games have an inordinate amount of violence and children soon get desensitized to the violence.Questions about effects of television advertisements on television have frequently been raised by Television critics. Investigators have examined the effects of TV programmes on children, but little published research exists in this area. Conversely much research has examined effects of television Advertisements, but the focus has been on adults rather than on children. It would be native to use these sources to derive hypothesis for research studies of effects of commercials on children. The content, structure and repetitive presentation of the commercials messages are different from programmes.So the effects on children and adults should be different. Moreover, hypothesis about effects of television advertisements on children simply cannot be derived from research with adults. A fourteen-year old boy was killed in Oct’97 when he tried to emulate the bungee-jumping shown in a popular TV soft drink adverti sement. What is ads doing to children and what is the impact of TV on children’s need to be given a thorough study in this era of consumerism. After all children are the most avid watches of Television programmes. It has become a central point in their lives.For all these reasons, the overall purpose of the present research programme is to explain the effects of television advertisement on children between 7-14 years of age. Objectives of the study: To study the viewership of children’s programme on DD National, DD-II, Sony Entertainment TV and Eenadu TV. To study the awareness, exposure and comprehension and recall of ads. To study the influence of advertisements on kids buying behavour. Scope: Two schools one located in Hyderguda St. Pauls Boys High School and the other is located in Chapel Road, Sujatha Public Girls School.Kids from 5th class to 10th Class where chosen for the study. Methodology The procedure adopted for the collection of the data was a questionnair e consisting of 17 close ended questions and two sub-questions and two open ended questions were asked. Universe The Universe for the study was two schools. The classes chosen from each school were six. The Universe for the study had 600 students. Sample A stratified random sample of the universe has been taken out of these 600 students. 120 students were taken as the sample for the study. That is around 20 percent. The sample consisted of equal number of boys and girls.Ten each from each class were taken. The questionnaire were later analyzed and tabulated accordingly. The ads were monitored for this research on four channels. DD National: Viewership and reach are the highest in India. It airs its programmes in Hindi the national language of India. Children’s Programmes; Great Expectations and Heman. DD-II: Viewership and reach many not the same as DD National. Airs a lot of children’s programmes everyday from 05. 00 pm to 07. 00. These include a variety of cartoon sh ows very popular with children. Children’s Programmes: Boy meet world, Flash Gordon, Blossom, Telesoccer,Rimba’s Island, Our friend the Dolphins, Quack Pack Spiderman, Mickey and Friends, Green Teen Quiz, Dennis the Menance, Jaldi Jaldi Game show, Goof Troops, Chip and Dale, Super Human Syber Squad, Heman and the Masters of the Universe. Sony Entertainment Television: Airs its programmes in Hindi. It is a satellite channel. Airs children’s programmes every day from 05 00 pm to 07 30 pm. The programmes include comedies and cartoon shows. Children’s Programmes: Bewitched, Different Strokes, Silver Spoons, He-man, Real Ghost Busters, who is the boss? Eenadu Television:Regional Channel Airs it programmes in te local language Telugu. The usual stuff films and film songs dominate the channel. Very less children’s programmes are aired. Children’s programmes: Charlie Chaplin, Bhale Denver, Stone Boy, Baboi Dennis. The ads that are aired during these programmes were monitored from 01. 12. 97 to 15. 12. 97. The ads were as follows: Food ads: Drinks-Coco-cola, Pepsi, Health drinks-Complan, Maltova, Top Ramen Smoodles, Maggie Rich Soups, Macaroni Pack Maggie Pickle, Kellogs Wheat Flakes, Kellogs Cornflakes, Milk Bikis, Kellogs Frosties, Eclairs Gems, Wriggley’s Juicy Fruit Bubblegum, Tez Tea.Choclates-Kit-kat, Cadbury’s, Perk, Nestle Milky Bar, Parry’s Maho Lacto king, Cadbury’s 5-star, Uncle Chips, Ruffles Lays, Big Babool, Boomer, Glucogold, Bourbon Biscuits, Dabur Honey, Allens Koffees, Frolicck Ice Cream, Alpenliebe and Annapurna Atta. Babu Foods: Cerelac and Farex. Clothes and Foot Wear: Garden pure silk, Kalanjali, Action Shoes, Books and stationary: Diamond comics, Stic Colur Pens, Zee Ball Pen, Mayapuri Film Magazine, Rotomac Pens, Archies Cards, Saber Free Styles pens, Dreamland Books, Reynolds pens, Jetter pen, Camlin Velvetta Ball pen. Others:Vardhaman Knitting Yarn, Raid (Insecticide), Novin o Gold Batteries, Aron Alpha, Hero Cycles, Sunrise coffee, Royale Paints, Rohan Badam Shrim, Sunny and Maxima Watch. Toys: Funskool, G I Joe. Medicinal: Borosoft, Hansaplast, Hajmola, Megamind 2 Plus Soaps: Dove, Lux, Jai, and Palmolive. Shampoos: Organics, Lux, Sunsilk, Heads and Shoulders. Tooth Pastes: Colgate, Close-up, Pepsodent. Creams: Lakme, Nivea and Charmis. These ads when analysed can be concluded safely that they are dominated by food ads. The number of chocolate ads are higher than any other product ads.These ads employ child artists. Operational Definitions 1. Awareness: The first stage of traditional adoption process. 2. Behaviour:Conduct, manners, general course of life, treatment of others, mode of action, response to stimulus. 3. Consumer:a term used to describe two different kinds of consuming entitles: Personal consumers and organizational consumers who buy products, equipment and services in order to run their organizations. 4. Decision:A choice made from tow or more alternatives. 5. Family:Two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside together. . Marketing:Activities design to enhance the flow of goods, services and ideas from producers to consumers in order to satisfy consumer needs and wants. 7. Product:A product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes, including packaging, color, manufacturer’s prestige, retailer’s prestige and manufacturer’s and retailers services, which the buyer may accept as offering satisfaction of wants and needs.DATA PRESENTATION Total number of respondents-120 Boys-60 Girls-60 Do you watch TelevisionYes/NoPercent Boys60100 Girls60100 Total120100 ————— contd to page no 40 Data Analysis Majority of the respondents 80. 8% had cable connection, boys and girls were equal in this respect. About 41. 6% of the respondent watch about two hours of television daily. Children’s movies dominated the viewing time of the chidren (42 %). Followed closely by film-based programmes. 42% of the respondent liked cartoon shows. 76. 9% of the respondents said they liked ads but interesting thing to note is that though some did say they didn’t like advertisements they still could recall ads. 65. % of the respondents said they liked chocolate advertisements closely followed by 23% of clother’s and footwear ads. They liked to watched advertisements with children in action and equally adventure advertisements. It was closely followed by advertisements with sportsmen and film-stars (girls liked them more than the boys).Most os the respondents felt that advertisements did not influence them to buy the products, but few that it did influence them very much. More number of boys said that they will not pressurize their parents to buy the products where girls were equal in their positive and negative response. 5% of the respondents gave ambiguous response to the question that do they insist on buying the product af ter watching the advertisement 70% said ‘yes’ they do but for the earlier question they said they do not pressurize their parents to buy the product. 65% of the respondent said they received pocket money to spend on themselves. Majority of the respondent’s boys and girls said they saved the money that they got as pocket money. Most of the respondents recalled chocolate advertisements more than any other.All the girls recalled ’Perk’ advertisement more than any other. Important thing was that respondents who said they did not like advertisements too recognized at least three to four advertisements. Suggestions for further study: Subsequent research must fulfill methodological requirements (1) In order to investigate earlier development in watching behavioral reactions to advertisements, sampling must include children younger than those in those in the present research that is from three to seven year old. 2) Sample can be increased from a mere 25 per cent to around 50 percent so that generalizations can be made more freely. (3) Sampling can be done even from rural areas. There is a boom in television viewing in rural areas too. (4) Research is needed to determine why some children and adolescents too develop negative feeling towards advertisements. (5) Research needs to be done into why younger children have high attention span of advertisements than older children that is children above 14 years have a less attention span.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of Fire and Ice by Robert Forst Essay

This article tries to analyze the unique features in structure, words, phonology, syntax and rhetoric in the poem of 40-Love by British poet Roger McGough in order to have a deeper understanding of the content and form of a poem. Keywords: McGough, 40-Love, Love, Style 1. Introduction It is well known that in a variety of literary genres, the form of poetry has been stressed most. Efforts have been exerted on the skillful combination of rhythm and structure to create numerous great works all over the world. Modern American poet E. E. Cummings (1884-1962) is a good case in point. He is famous for odd style, novel and unique form in the poetic world. His â€Å"l (a† has been regarded as the â€Å"the most elegant and beautiful structure of the literature created by Cummings†. (Kennedy, 1980). Therefore, his poems are renowned as â€Å"poem picture† or â€Å"visual poetry†, or the concrete poetry that we are quite familiar with. The features of it is that vivid visual images of words coming from irregular syllables, letters, punctuation, syntax, format and print strengthen the internal imagination of poetry, deepen the artistic conception, convey and enrich the connotation. (Abrams, 2005). Coincidentally, besides E. E. Cummings, contemporary British poet Roger McGough (1937- ) is another master in writing concrete poems. His 40-Love can be considered as one of the greatest concrete poems. McGough is the second of the three in Liverpool Group. The other two are Henry Adrian Henri and Patan Brian Patten. McGough, born in 1937, 5 years younger than Henry, is always in naughty mentality. His poems are full of secular fun and display more profound life from the perspective of a child. This article, from the viewpoint of stylistics, analyzes the features of structure, words, phonology, syntax and rhetoric in the poem of â€Å"40-Love† in order to gain a eeper understanding of this poem. 2. Stylistic Analysis Greek poet Simonides once said, â€Å"Poetry is the picture with sound while the pictures are the silent poems. † (Zhu, 2005). That is to say, the content of a poem must be combined with its form to achieve its perfection, namely, the combination of form and spirit, what we often cheris h. Here we will try to find how Mcgough do it in his â€Å"40-Love†. The poem tells that a middle-aged couple is playing tennis. Then they go home. But the net is still between them. It reflects the gap between middle-aged couples. I will quote the poem here to help to explain my opinion. 40-Love (Peng, 2000) middle couple tenwhen game and go the 118 aged playing nis the ends they home net Asian Social Science will be tween 2. 1 Structure still be – them June, 2009 As a whole, the poem has a total of 20 words. But the two words â€Å"tennis† and â€Å"between† are separated by hyphens to be symmetric in structure. The words in the poem are set in two sequences, like two sides of the couple. The middle blank or empty is like a net to separate the two. There are only two words in each line to symbolize the bouts of the ball. The title of 40-love, the top of the net, is right on the top of the poem, signifying the scoreboard. This poem looks like a tennis court with a net being used to separate the words. It is like a tennis game. This side serves and the other side hits back. Many bouts form the poem. The invisible net is like the barrier between the middle-aged couple. Even if they finish the tennis game, they still have the net, which still exists invisibly. However, it is this net that they can depend on to handle their marriage and have the responsibilities not to break the rules. There is a net in tennis and there are rules to obey. With the net, there are more difficulty and more interests. So, accordingly, more training and attention is a must. Imagining that, when playing tennis with no net or rules, people would feel difficult to last their games for longer period. In addition, only the letter of â€Å"L† of â€Å"Love† in the title is capitalized and the rest is de-capitalized, which shows that, to some extent, the couple has not been in the pursuit of the perfect details again, because love between the middle-aged couple has faded away. Furthermore, there is no punctuation in the whole poem, indicating that life of marriage is closed and uninteresting. Since there is no end, gap appears. 2. 2 Words The poet pays special attention to the words in the poem. First of all, the title â€Å"40-Love† one of interests embodied in the poem. The figure of 40 stands for the age of middle-aged people. And 40-Love is a scoring term in tennis. Tennis scoring is love, 15, 30 and 45 in sequence. Love here means zero. Three goals scores 40. No goals, no score. Thus, the title is of pun with two meanings. One refers to be 40-year-old love and the other is 3:0. Whether 40-year-old love is vain or not depends on attitudes of the two parties. Let come to two words of â€Å"middle† and â€Å"aged† in the first line. â€Å"Middle-aged† means people are in their midlife. The poet deliberately separates it to achieve the reunification of form and others. It also symbolizes that middle-aged husband and wife can not be integrated again. The two important words of â€Å"tennis† and â€Å"between† are placed in two vertical columns to get a metaphorical meaning that there is an invisible net in the emotional world of the man and the woman. They are not intimate any longer. Game† in the fifth line can be referred as either play game or sport. The scoring in tennis competition is more complex. Tennis game has games and sets. In a game, those who win 15, 30 and 45 will get one point. And the player who gets 6 points will win one set. In the poem, the couple does not finish even one game and go home since they hav e a deep estrangement. â€Å"Still† in the ninth line shows that the middle-aged husband and wife have ineffable anguish and can not get rid of their unpleasantness and gain relaxed though they make concessions as far as possible. 2. Phonology Words in the poem are basically monosyllabic. They are mechanical and boring to read and easy to suggest that the life of the couple is dull and lack of amenities. From the perspective of phonology, the short vowel such as /i/, is used for many times in the poem to leave the pressing impression to the readers to realize the urgent emotional crisis of the middle-aged couple. But there is slowness in the urgency. The diphthong /ei/ and / u/ are employed to slow down the speech rate and demonstrate that the middle-aged people have become calm and unhurried when dealing with things. Especially, the long vowel / i: / in â€Å"tween† in the last line leaves enough time for the middle-aged couple in crisis to think over the issue. In addition, there are rhymes in the poem, such as, middle and couple, ten and when, game and they, go and home, will and still. Rhymes here give the readers boredom, and symbolize the dull life of the middle-aged couple. Moreover, the alliterations of be and be-, tween and them, make the two words close and imply that the middle-aged husband and wife still have the ties that can not be cut off although there is a gap between them. 2. Syntax For the convenience of analysis, I rearrange the order of the whole poem: middle aged couple playing ten-nis when the game ends and they go home the net will still be be-tween them. First of all, from the angle of tense, the plain and flat present tense, used from the beginning to the right end of the poem, indicates the dull or prosaic marriage life of the middle-aged couple. Nevertheless, â⠂¬Å"playing† is used unconventionally. If â€Å"plays† is used here, readers will know that the couple play tennis often rather than occasionally. There will be not much gap between them. Playing† indicates that there is absence of regular communication between the husband and wife. It stresses that it is just at this moment that they are playing tennis. In sentence structure, there is a time adverb â€Å"when† to combine the sentence. As usual, however, there is no conjunction of â€Å"and† between the main clause and the subordinate clause. Thus â€Å"and† is added here to deliberately create a loose state, suggesting that there is no close contact between the husband and wife. And there should be an adversative conjunction of â€Å"but† in front of the next sentence â€Å"the net will still be be-tween them†. As we 119 Vol. 5, No. 6 Asian Social Science all know, an adversative conjunction word usually give people an unexpected, rising and falling impression. The word â€Å"but† is omitted here to inevitably imply that life of the middle-aged couple is no longer full of ups and downs, great happiness or sadness. 2. 5 figure of speech Poets often use figure of speech because, as Emily Dickinson once said, the mission of a poet is to â€Å"speak the truth, but to put it in an implicit way† in order to seize the readers’ interest and stimulate their imagination. In the poem of â€Å"40-love†, the poet employs the figure of speech, e. g. metaphor. On the one hand, in form, the blank along the net is like a net to suggest the gap between the middle-aged couple. On the other hand, everyday life is like playing games. Everybody hit the ball to the others. Such routine game results in no passion at last. Moreover, in my opinion, the writing technique of understatement is employed in this poem. The tone of the whole poem is calm, without any fluctuating. However, it is the deliberate understatement that discloses the theme of the poem incisively and vividly. . Conclusion This poem written by McGouph with unique style has rich connotation in its unique form. In this poem with perfect combination of the spirit and form, the emotional gap of the middle-aged couple can be discerned and expressed by the stylistic techniques in the structure, words, phonology, syntax and figure of speech. In Mending Wall, a poem written by American poet Robert Fr ost, the neighbor is intransigence and stubborn. Even at the last line of the poem, he still murmurs that â€Å"good fences make good neighbors† (GU, 2005). Every couple, therefore, especially the middle-aged couples, should pull the fence between them down, believing â€Å"good communication makes good couples†. References Abrams, M H. (2005). A Glossary of Literary Terms. Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Reasearch Press. Gu, Zhengkun. (2005). Treasury of Appreciating English Poems, Volume of Poetry. Kennedy, Richard S. (1980). Dreams in the Mirror: A Biography of EE Cummings. New York: Liveright. Peng, Yu. (2000). Two Concrete Poems. College English. Zhu, Guangqian. (2005). Poetics. Shanghai Century Publishing Group. 120

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Food Globalization in China Essay

In most Chinese traditional families, family members would sit around the dining table and dine together. Everyone would talk about the day and bond as a family. Usually, it would be the mother who would buy groceries after work and return home to cook for the family. Sometimes, the father, the children or even the grandparents would help out in the kitchen. The mother of the family would always consider the nutrition, thus for every dish, it would be well-prepared, making sure that every family member would not have any health problems, such as getting sick or malnutrition. This was what a Chinese traditional family would be like in the past where fast food restaurants and â€Å"instant† food were scarce. Today’s Chinese family has altered tremendously. Purchasing meals at fast food restaurants is such an easy task compared to the loads of work and preparation for cooking at home. As a result, a mother has lost her chance to increase her energy expenditure that she would have spent on traveling to the grocery store, choosing and purchasing items, and returning home to cook. In addition, the bonding time for the family has decreased due to lack of interactions such as cooking and dining together. Instead, a mother has found other ways to provide food for the family. She would often go straight to a nearby fast food chain, make a take-away order or purchase instant French fries or noodles from a nearby supermarket. Likewise, compared to the traditional way of Chinese dinners, where families sit around a table of different dishes, fast food menus are mostly set for individuals, the amount of time that a family spends together is again decreased, and this unhealthy diet may slowly lead to unpredicted illnesses. In a matter of time, whether you are sitting in a restaurant or walking along the shopping districts of Shanghai, you look around and you could see humongous people with waist like pillars, arms that looks like thighs and thighs that rub against each other when they walk, one hand holding a cup of Pepsi and the other feeding themselves with McDonald’s cheese burger. There will be no more people with wrinkles and white hair. The life expectancy has dropped to fifty. This is not an illusion but an anticipated look of the future: The Fat China. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy, which is marked by the increase in cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information and culture. It brings the world together by spreading different ideas, making foreign products easier to access, speeding up the pace of life, and increasing the understanding around us. Most countries welcome the rush of globalization, which symbolizes advancements. However, the negative consequences on Chinese culture are deniable and are not worth the consequences. Food globalization is spreading through the world’s diverse cultures in the form of fast food restaurants, high-caloric beverages, supermarkets supplying instant food and high-caloric imported products, and culture changes that affect family bonding time. These changes have resulted in unhealthy diets, a decrease of energy expenditure, and illnesses such as obesity. Food globalization is causing a negative effect in China. Since the 1980s, China’s openness has led to the growth of foreign fast food chains in China. Coca-cola, Starbucks, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hà ¤agen-Daz, Dunkin’ Donuts, Baskin-Robbins, Pepsi, DQ, Pizzahut, Papa John’s and Mcdonald’s can be found almost everywhere in China (Popkin). According to Wen Dale, a member of the International Forum on Globalization, McDonald’s alone has opened up to at least 235 restaurants in China, excluding 158 Mcdonald’s franchises in Hong Kong. Every time when I go by McDonald’s in China, I can see the long lines of people, waiting for their turn to purchase the high-caloric food. When I visited Hangzhou (a city next to Shanghai) at the age of six, I already saw many KFCs around Hangzhou. Today’s Hangzhou is way different compared to twelve years ago, it is more modernized, and at the same time, it is crowded with fast food restaurants. In the shopping district of Hangzhou, there are not only Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton but also McDonald’s, Pizzahut, Hà ¤agen-Dazs, Dunkin’ Donuts, Baskin-Robbins, Papa John’s, Starbucks and many other fast food chains. Globalization brought westernization, prosperity into China as well as fast food chains. According to A.Michelle Mendez, a nutritional epidemiologist who received her master’s in epidemiology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, supermarkets, for example, have â€Å"accounted for 48 percent of the urban food markets in China, an increase beyond the 30 percent level in 1999†. With this increase of urban food markets in China, the traditional markets that provide fresh and unprocessed products has started to decline, leading to a higher consumption of processed food. Furthermore, these urban food markets are not only found in large cities but also in poorer areas. (Mendez) The growing presence of Carrefour and Metro that imports foreign products brought giant stores that offer a wide variety of high caloric snacks and soft drinks, increasing the availability of unhealthy products. For example, the direct imports of French fries from the United States has increased tenfold between 1995 and 1999 (Mendez). Food globalization that increased the number of foreign investments produces negative changes to the Chinese Cultures (Dale). Globalization has brought large foreign supermarket firms and fast food chains into China. All of these has resulted in lifestyle changes which include a shift from natural-homemade food and beverages consumed to processed ones, a higher consumption of foreign food, a driving dietary change, an increase intake of caloric sweeteners, a reduced food preparation time and an increase in intake of pre-cooked foods. These led to an increase in obesity rate in China. For foreign food chains to produce large amount of ingredients and products and ship them all the way across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, unhealthy chemicals are often added during production. The contemporary world is characterized by â€Å"an intense, continuous, comprehensive interplay between the indigenous and the imported†. (Jackson) This is demonstrated through the importing and exporting of fast food ingredients. According to John Andrew, a citizen journalist, these chemicals are sometimes known as â€Å"food additives† and not all food additives used are foods. Instead, they are â€Å"chemical that are generally recognized as safe† (Andrew). Almost all of these additives are nowhere to be found in a local supermarket, instead, some are found in â€Å"inedible products like tox antifreeze, silicone caulk, soap, sunscreen and play sand† (Andrew). As reported by Riddhi Shah, a writer for the website Salon, Sally Davies, a New York photographer started a â€Å"part-art, part-food† science experiment. Davies documented a McDonald’s Happy Meal every few days until it spoiled. Even at day 137, â€Å"the meal still looks pretty great† (Shah). After reading this experiment, how would people still feel safe and happy consuming these â€Å"Happy Meals†? Consuming foods with chemicals or food additives may damage long-term health. Globalization brought changes that I have personally encountered. In 2007, the number of foreign franchises in China could be counted with ten fingers. There were only a few Starbucks and McDonald’s opened their first outlet near the downtown Wulin Square, the shopping district in Hangzhou. However, after only three years, the number of Starbucks has quadrupled. Today, there are at least eight Starbucks in Hangzhou compared to the only one less than five years ago. Because Starbucks is present everywhere, it is easy for individuals to grab a cup of Caramel Frappuccino (which is about 430 calories) whenever passing by. This availability has brought about a rush of coffee addicts in China as well as weight gains. Likewise, the newly opened Starbucks near Hangzhou International School where I attended high school attracts many students and faculty daily. This situation also happens to the McDonald’s near the school. The increase in availability has caused a tremendous increase in junk food consumption among the staff and students. It is easy for students and faculty to grab a coffee, or a muffin before or after school. In most countries, especially the United States, Asians are often stereotyped as skinny. However, this perception will have to be altered in the coming decade. In the past, malnutrition has been the main health problem in China. According to James. A Levine, a professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, more than 60 million people have become obese in China (Levine). The data presents 23 percent of Chinese population is overweight. 12 percent adults and 8 percent children have obesity (Levine). The more serious problem is that Levine has predicted by 2020, the obesity population in China will exceed that of the United States. The Chinese population is one of the largest in the world and if as predicted by Levine, the Chinese obesity rate rises, the whole world will be affected by this change. Misra points out â€Å"that the obesity and the metabolic syndrome are immediate cursors of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease†, thus as China’s obesity rate increases, the well being of the Chinese population is evidently threatened. The increase in obesity rate will lead to maladaptive consequences such as an increase in other illnesses, and these studies provide a strong correlation with the growing of foreign fast food chains. Consequently, the increase of foreign fast food chains has affected everyone living in China. Easy accessibility to these restaurants and supermarkets reduces Chinese’s physical activity and labor intensity in both the urban and rural areas (Jackson). This increase number of foreign supermarkets has also resulted in a rise in the average intake of vegetable oil from â€Å"14.8 grams per person in 1989 to 35.1 grams per person in 2004, adding an extra 183 kcal to the population’s daily diet† (Popkin) (see table 1). In table 1, the availability for consumption of total calories has been going upslope since the 1961 and has no inclination of slowing down. Thus, these changes result in an increase in Chinese adults’ consumption on high-fat which rose from 33 percent to 60.8 percent in urban areas and 13.5 percent to 29.3 percent in rural areas (Mendez). Table 1 Regional Trends in Availability for Consumption of Total Calories, 1961-2000†¨Source: Misra, Anoop and Lokesh Khurana. â€Å"Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome in Developing Countries†. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2008. Web. 8 November 2011. By switching from Chinese traditional diet to a Western diet, Chinese are consuming goods that are much higher in calories. In a Chinese traditional family, a dinner often included a few dishes of vegetables, a few dishes of meat (normally less than the number of vegetable dishes), a soup, and lastly a bowl of rice for each family member. One or two of the family members freshly cooked all of the food. This kind of traditional dinner included all components of a healthy meal for a well-balanced diet. For centuries, the only beverages Chinese consumed were tea, water, and breast milk after birth. â€Å"Because water has no calories, the human body did not evolve to reduce food intake to compensate for beverage consumption†, thus, adding sugar into new beverages will increase the caloric intake of an individual. (Popkin) Table 2 displays the short history of caloric beverage for humans. From breast milk, water consumption, the human as evolved to consume soda, coffee, juice, liquor and other beverages that contain sugar. Thereby, when people consume any beverage other than water, their total calorie consumption increase (Popkin). Table 2 Remarkably Short History for Caloric Beverages: Might the Absence of Compensation Relate to This Historical Revolution? Source: Popkin, Barry M. â€Å"The World is Fat.† The World is Fat (2008): n. pag. Web. 8 December 2011. The increase in availability of foreign food restaurants has led to a significant decrease of home-prepared food according to Popkin, an â€Å"obvious shift in home-prepared food and home-based meals to ready-to eat meals, often consumed away from home. With this consumption, Chinese are spending less time with their family members and more time outside of their homes. Even though families may eat out at a fast food restaurant together, as the food is served â€Å"fast†,, the social time that an individual spend with his family is still decreased. It is true that food globalization has presented positive effects on Chinese culture, such as the bringing a diverse of cuisines into China, satisfying the Chinese’s curiosity, the increase in their pace of life and the step of taking Chinese a leap forward into the understanding of the outside world. However, the negative consequences, such as the increase in health risks, and the diminishment of traditional culture that come together with food globalization are inevitable and are worth much more of the attention. These negative consequences may not seem worthwhile at this moment but when they do become serious problems, it will be too late to ameliorate. The question that is left for everyone to ponder is that do a higher standard of living, a higher pace of life worth the sacrifice? Work Cited Dale, Wen. â€Å"The Fast Food Invasion†. China Copes with Globalization: (2005): n. pag. Web 14 November 2011. Jackson, Peter. â€Å"Local Consumption Cultures in a Globalizing World†. Royal Geographical Society (2004): n. pag. Web. 13 November 2011.Levine, James A. â€Å"Obesity in China: Causes and Solutions†. Chinese Medical Journal (2007): n. pag. Web. 13 November 2011. Mendez, A. Michelle and M. Popkin. â€Å"Globalization, Urbanization and Nutritional Change In the Developing World†. Globalization of Food Systems in Developing Countries: Impact on Food Security and Nutrition (2004): n. pag. Web. 13 November2011. Popkin, Barry M. â€Å"The World is Fat.† The World is Fat (2008): n. pag. Web. 13 November 2011.Watson, L. James. â€Å"China’s Big Mac Attack†. Foreign Affairs (2000): n. pag. Web. 12 November 2011. Wong, Seanon. â€Å"What’s In A Dumpling†. University of Chicago (2006): n. pag. Web. 13 November 2011 Wu, Yangfeng. â€Å"Overweight and obesity in China†. BMJ (2006): n. pag. Web. 13 November 2011. Tan, Cheryn. â€Å"Curry – Origins and History†. Suite101, 2009. Web. 13 November 2011. Shah, Riddhi. â€Å"The Secret to the Immortality of McDonald’s Food†. Salon, 2010. Web. 13 November 2011. Andrew, John. â€Å"Surprise Ingredients in Fast Food†. Natural New, 2010. Web. 13 November 2011. Misra, Anoop and Lokesh Khurana. â€Å"Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome in Developing Countries†. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2008. Web. 13 November 2011.